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Release Notes

v2.2.2 (July 18, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug which did not allow sliced mesh to update if user recalculated the case while mesh cutting was enabled
  • Fixed an issue which caused magnetic field slice visualization to appear empty
  • Fixed issue which did not allow user to stop calculation
  • Fixed issue which did not allow user to stop mesh generation

v2.2.1 (June 13, 2024)


  • Improved stability of Template generation
  • Improved visual content distribution for PDF reports


  • Fixed license-related issue that blocked calculation in specific cases
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow to disable skin layers in mesh
  • Fixed an issue which caused PDF generation to fail if boundary conditions are not set up
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow to visualize results if Receiver coil was not present in case
  • Fixed a bug which allowed Trame to be open only once for a case in specific situations

v2.2 (May 14, 2024)


  • Rectangular and circular strand definition


  • Improved coil physics tab UI by adding explanatory images to the input parameters
  • Results of the previous run are no longer saved if case is recalculated, reducing case size
  • Improved accuracy in cases with voltage and/or defined load
  • Improved solver stability if Accurate algorithm was selected
  • Improved quality of automatic meshing algorithms


  • Fixed an issue where calculation was stopped if internet connection was lost
  • Fixed a bug which caused radiation calculation to provide inaccurate results

v2.1 (April 9, 2024)


  • Load definition on Receiver coil can now be defined directly in CENOS
  • Negative mutual inductance values can be calculated in results


  • 3D view PNG images can now be exported directly from 3D result view


  • Fixed an issue with mesh curving, which for some cases caused unphysical mesh spikes to appear in results

v2.0 (January 9, 2024)


  • Completely new result evaluation interface, seamlessly integrated within CENOS UI, which automates result preparation, presenting users with instantly accessible and intuitively displayed simulation insights, delivering unmatched efficiency when designing WCH systems.


  • Improved calculation stability


  • Result tab is no longer misleadingly available for new Template cases without calculated results
  • Fixed a bug which did not allow to run multiple cases in a batch

v1.6 (December 7, 2023)


  • Geometry, Physics and Mesh sections can now be opened during calculation
  • Iterative/direct solver and mesh element order control
  • Application filter


  • Mesh inspection now embedded in CENOS UI
  • Reworked navigation bar
  • Mesh size check


  • Now all coils by default are oriented in the same direction


v1.5 (October 23, 2023)


  • Current/voltage table input
  • Phase shift table input
  • Surface Currents approach for extremely thin coils
  • Advanced current density calculation algorithm


  • Stray losses are now separated by domains and shown in .csv file


  • Fixed a bug where domain names in Time Charts were displayed without assigned names from physics
  • Fixed an issue which caused cases with enabled conductor heating and complex motion to fail
  • Fixed a bug where values in the .csv file were duplicated if Steady state is selected
  • Fixed an issue where some mutual values were missing from the .csv file
  • Fixed a bug where cases fail if B(H) curve is enabled in physics
  • Fixed a bug which did not apply phase shift to coils if it was enabled

v1.4 (September 12, 2023)


  • Mesh inspection
  • Radiation losses
  • Single Tx assembly simulations


  • Greatly improved PDF report layout


  • Updated meshing algorithm, which can now mesh cases which failed previously

v1.3 (August 11, 2023)


  • Coil heating
  • N87 ferrite material
  • New Ferrite Surface and Coil Surface role to Geometry Roles


  • Hysteresis loss calculation is enabled by default for ferrites
  • Added tooltips for magnetization definition
  • Renamed Tx and Rx stranded coil sources for increased clarity
  • Ferrite is now automatically defined as electrically non-conductive
  • Added RMS indication for current and voltage inputs

v1.2 (June 27, 2023)


  • Integration with LTspice circuit simulator
  • Added 6 new ferrite materials (FS1000, N95, N96, N97, 3F3, 3F36)


  • Hysteresis loss calculation can now be enabled without full thermal analysis of the ferrite
  • Improved convergence if voltage excitation is used


  • Fixed a bug which blocked PDF report from being generated
  • Mutual data in .csv file is no longer being duplicated
  • Fixed a bug which crashed air domain generation if imported geometry contained smaller holes
  • Fixed a bug where, if adaptive time step is used, steps in the middle were not saved
  • Fixed an issue which caused unphysical ferrite heating in some cases

v1.1 (March 17, 2023)


  • Permanent magnets
  • Phase shift for transmitter coils
  • Added current, voltage and received power values in .csv file


  • Improved loss calculation (separate Eddy, Hysteresis and Total losses)
  • Improved automatic meshing algorithms

v1.0 (February 9, 2023)


  • Stranded coils
  • Ferrite and electrically conductive object heating
  • Geometry parameterization & parametric study
  • Easy motion definition
  • CENOS automatic & manual meshing
  • Magnetic field distribution
  • Loss calculation
  • Temperature field distribution
  • Q factor
  • Coupling coefficient
  • Mutual inductance
  • Resistance
  • Total losses